Monday, October 22, 2007

Pugin - God's Architect and his first church

"IN THE SUMMER OF 1852 A 40-year-old man was in a secure room in Bethlem Hospital for the Insane; he recognised no one, not even his wife; his head had been shaved, and he had become what was described as “very dirty in his habits”. This was the man who, six months before, had designed the clock tower now known as Big Ben. His name was Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin."

In 1839 Pugin finished his first Church - St Marys- in Uttoxeter. Not a masterpiece and now very much altered, with the addition of aisles, a narthex and changes to the chancel in 1879. His stunning west rose window and the sedilia remain. It is not a patch on his 'gem'- St Giles in Cheadle - which he started just a year later.
By the time he was 21 Pugin had been widowed, bankrupted and shipwrecked. He had built 22 churches, 3 cathedrals, a monastery and half a dozen grand houses before the age of 30. Pugin wanted to create a fantastic medieval world of his imagination - in stark contrast to the industrial revolution which raged around him.
He died, aged 40, incarcerated in an asylum - a wild psychotic, driven mad by syphilis.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Clone Town Britain - a rebellion

Clone-town Britain faces a rebellion on the high street

The Work Foundation think-tank have discovered a growing backlash against uniform housing estates and unimaginative architecture which are destroying the unique features of our towns. In , "Distinctiveness and Cities – Beyond 'Find and Replace' Economic Development" the think tank reports that people are beginning to realise that local identity matters.

Towns which have embraced their idiosyncrasies (and Uttoxeter has some) have realised economic advantages. The report states that towns must innovate themselves using their own distinctive qualities.

"Distinctiveness becomes a conscious, explicit strategy of redevelopment."

Councillors/planners/developers - pay heed

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Uttoxeter MAYFEST

Bank Holiday Monday - May 7th 2007

Celebrate at the Uttoxeter May Festival - meet the Green Man, see traditional maypole dancing, folk bands and a strett arts and crafts market, food stalls and more

For details ring 07999 807 067
or 01889 569867


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Planning Disaster

Barking Mad - planning disaster

The Civic Trust has joined the RSPB, CPRE, Friends of the Earth,
Woodlands Trust, Ramblers Association, Wildlife Trust, Transport 2000
and the RTPI to form a coalition to campaign against the
recommendations of the Barker Review. A website

has been launched to allow the public to email their concern to Gordon Brown or their local MP.

January 2007 - The Barker Review of Land Use Planning was commissioned
by the Treasury as a review of the UK's planning system, primarily
focusing on the link between planning and economic growth. The Civic
Trust has greeted many of the recommendations with great concern, as
the majority of these focus on reforming the planning system for the
benefit of businesses and developers. This may have implications for
the protection of the built and natural environments and for local
communities. To read more about the Review and the Civic Trust's views,
please click here.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Date: 2nd June 2007

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A lighter and brighter town -mixed pallet -greys,greens and mottled pink?

From the Advertiser

EXACTLY a year ago plans for the new-look Uttoxeter High Street were unveiled.

Today, the work has almost finished, the town has been transformed and now scheme bosses have thanked Uttoxeter shoppers and traders for their support during a year of disruption.

The £1.6 million revamp has been in the pipeline for two years. In autumn last year, residents had the chance to vote on the colour and quality of the street materials to be used. The final decision was to use a mixed pallet of greys, greens, yellows and mottled pink

The colour scheme was aimed at creating a lighter and brighter look to the town and funded by Staffordshire County Council, East Staffordshire Borough Council and Uttoxeter Plus.

Materials used include granite flagstones and kerbs, seats and paving. The plans aimed to achieve a harmonious mix of the traditional and modern, anchored firmly through quality design and carefully crafted features.

Worth noting that when ESBC councillors come a knocking at your door don't let them take all the credit for this coalition of councils
Now wouldn't it be nice if they could work together more..............