Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Barking Mad - planning disaster

The Civic Trust has joined the RSPB, CPRE, Friends of the Earth,
Woodlands Trust, Ramblers Association, Wildlife Trust, Transport 2000
and the RTPI to form a coalition to campaign against the
recommendations of the Barker Review. A website http://www.planningdisaster.co.uk/

has been launched to allow the public to email their concern to Gordon Brown or their local MP.

January 2007 - The Barker Review of Land Use Planning was commissioned
by the Treasury as a review of the UK's planning system, primarily
focusing on the link between planning and economic growth. The Civic
Trust has greeted many of the recommendations with great concern, as
the majority of these focus on reforming the planning system for the
benefit of businesses and developers. This may have implications for
the protection of the built and natural environments and for local
communities. To read more about the Review and the Civic Trust's views,
please click here.

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