Monday, October 02, 2006

Save the Wellington Public House

We are very concerned about the state of the Wellington Public House and the recent fire on the premises.
The Borough Council may need to take action under s215 of the 1990 Planning Act to tidy up this public eyesore (in this case to make good any fire damage and make the building safe against trespass); or serve a S54 urgent works notice (giving the owner 7 days notice of the LPA's intent to carry out the urgent works to make the building safe and weathertight and to reclaim the costs from the owner); or a s48 Repairs Notice as a prelude to compulsory purchase.
We have been advised by English Heritage that they may be instructed to exercise these powers by the Secretary of State in default of action by the local authority.

ESBC is currently without a Conservation Officer - this is appalling.

The owner of the Wellington is currently the newly elected Town Ward Councillor for the Tories

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